In Spanish the word is “BASTA.” It is short for the Spanish word, “bastante.” What does that word mean? It is an imperative. It is translated as, “enough.” How is it used? When is it used? Those of you who have young children, and those of us who can remember when our children were young, used/use it often. It was applied – is applied when our kids have gotten on our last nerve. You know the scenario. They are bickering, antagonizing each other. They are being unruly, disobedient, obstinate, pushing the envelope. What is it we say to them, when all other reasonable efforts have been exhausted? We loudly shout: BASTA! Enough! Is this resonating with you parents? Sure it is.

In Hebrew, the word that we translate as “still,” literally means, “basta.” “Enough.” The imperative, then, that God sets before us in this comforting Psalm, which is a favorite for many, is for us to “be quiet.” In relationship to what? In relationship to those things that cause us sleepless nights, great angst, concern, fear, worry, anxiety. To those things that so disturb and disrupt us God says: “Basta!” “Enough!” “Be quiet!” “Be still!” In the Psalm we read about some of things that cause such chaos in life. Let’s take a look.

The Psalmist writes: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we won’t be afraid, though the earth changes, though the mountains are shaken into the heart of the seas; though waters roar and are troubled, though the mountains tremble with their swelling.
Do you see and feel the chaos? But, oh, the Psalmist continues.

There is a river, the streams of which make the city of God glad, the holy place of the tents of the Most High. God is within her. She shall not be moved. God will help her at dawn. The nations raged. The kingdoms were moved. He lifted His voice and the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. And then: BASTA! ENOUGH! BE QUIET! BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.

He is still God. He has always been God. He will always be God.

The waters roar in our midst, don’t they? Gender identity is up for grabs. We pray for our children as they are confronted with this ruse. Gender isn’t a choice. “Male and female He made them.” Genesis chapter two hasn’t changed. Our heart breaks and aches for those who struggle with something for which they need not struggle. The Church is not here to judge, but to help and heal, and teach the truth of Jesus. Mountains tremble. The war in Ukraine rages on with no end in sight. The Russian monster by the name of Putin is like a “dog on bone.” Our country seems to be on this horrific inertia toward “Sodom and Gomorrah!” Perhaps we have arrived. The “mean streets of Milwaukee” are a mess. Kids killing kids. Kids stealing cars and killing more. Are not the mountains among us crumbling into the heart of the seas?

Thus, what an amazing declaration, imperative God speaks over us, His children! He sees our concern, our worry, our hurt, and our fear and He says: BASTA! How can He say that to us? There are a couple if reasons. In the chaos He remains our refuge. He is in our midst, even when it doesn’t seem so. How did Luther put it? “A mighty fortress is our God.”

Secondly, most significantly, He remains God. He is sovereign. He sees it all. He is in charge of it all. He will let evil and sin go so for. This the devil’s day. His day will come to an end. Jesus will return to bring us into His eternal habitation; His glory and majesty; His peace and rest that never ends. Thus for you – for me – for us – for all who retreat to this refuge in our midst, we hear and heed the imperative: BASTA! ENOUGH! BE STILL – AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!

Until next month,