For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their
hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. ~ Psalm 91:12
In these notes, I want to write about something that we, perhaps, give little thought: Angels
In the verse above God gives us the great promise that “he commands his angels concerning
you.” Angelic activity is God’s answer to the petition in The Lord’s Prayer: Deliver us from evil. One of the foremost ways in which He answers this petition is that He sends angels to guard and protect us. They are sent to keep us out of harm. Who is the foremost individual that wants to inflict harm upon us – especially those of us who are Christians? The devil. The one who is the author of evil. To be sure, such was the case for David, who wrote this Psalm, as his enemies want to destroy him.

Both the Philistines and King Saul (King of Israel) want David’s head on a platter. Saul is profoundly jealous of David. Remember now, David has just dumped the Philistine nuclear warhead known as Goliath. Because the Philistines had this warhead, they were perpetually “putting a stick” in the eye of Israel. The Philistines weren't bully’s on the block because they had the biggest bully on the block, quite literally. Goliath stood nine feet tall. But, as we know, the bigger they are the harder they fall. Nothing could be more true of the story of Goliath. Little David, with nothing more than a sling shot and deadly aim, fells the mighty Goliath. Let’s just say the Philistines were not happy! They want David dead.

We’re familiar with the expression, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Welcome to the world of David.  Because he kills Goliath, the Israelites make him a “rock star.” Pardon the pun. Rock star – one rock kills Goliath – ok – you get it! This turns King Saul into a lunatic. The popularity shifts from him to David. He too wants David dead.

David finds refuge in the caves of Philistia. “In the shadow of thy wings I will shelter until these calamities have passed,” David writes in that cave. He also writes the verse above. The angels would be sent, David would be spared. He would ascend to the throne of Israel.

I remember one of our former members – he now lives in Tennessee – sharing in a Bible class about how one time he was in Miami on business. He told the class he remembers crossing this busy street. He didn’t look both ways. As he was about to cross- the- street he felt something keep him on the curb. If he had stepped out into the street, he would have been hit by an oncoming car. He was convinced – as am I – that an angel saved him.

“For he will command his angels concerning you.” We don’t see them, although sometimes we do. I have heard personal stories about this. But they surround us, protect us, present to rescue us in service to their creator. Today, give God thanks for the foremost of His invisible creatures – angels!

Until September,