Well, it's not like we have never met. Diane and I have worshipped here off and on with the family of Faith for some time, even before we were 'officially' members. I served as Senior Pastor for 17 years at Trinity Lutheran Church in Beloit. Then South Wisconsin District's President Office invited me to serve in vacancy and interim capacities since August of 2017. Upon arrival the Lord sent us to the likes of St. John's, Mayville and as far south as Grace Lutheran Church, Oak Creek and the likes of Historic downtown Trinity Lutheran Church UAC for a year or two. I was the last one to preach there before the infamous fire (which I did not cause...it was a roofing fire).

Then the Lord led me to serve a number of congregations such as, Immanuel Brookfield, Living Word, in Jackson, St. Paul, Brown Deer and others. Most recently I served as interim pastor at Beautiful Savior, Mequon, but had to leave when my younger brother was diagnosed with a serious illness that required my attention (Elkhart, IN) over the past month.

In the beginning the Lord led me into the Holy Ministry as a Missionary AT Large in Jeffrey City, Wyo. There was no church and so I was called to start one from scratch and serve mining camps in the radius of about 75 miles. At that time I was the youngest LCMS pastor in the USA at 23 and married only two weeks. God blessed the work there and the church grew rapidly. From there we lived in Beaverton, Ore and I was the associate pastor of Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School. Then a Call was extended to St. John's White Creek, in Indiana. It was large rural congregation and school, which was formed eight years before The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod even existed! During my first seven years of service our three boys were born.

After eight years there I accepted the Call to start another mission church in northern Indiana, Prince of Peace, Goshen. Here a nucleus of 40 people grew to 200 in about eight years and put on a sizable educational addition. We served there sixteen years and then I accepted the Call to Trinity, Beloit, Wisconsin where I was the Senior Pastor for seventeen years.

One of my favorite things to do started with the St. John's White Creek youth, when we took a 48-passenger charter bus to the very first LCMS Youth Gathering, Fort Collins. Colorado. After that I took youth groups to the next 15 Youth Gatherings (1 every 3 years) which is every youth gathering as the only pastor/youth leader to have been privileged to do so (and survived)! Just kidding.

But now, Diane and I are excited and honored to serve as your pastor at Faith Lutheran Church. We look forward to this opportunity/challenge confident of our gracious Lord's blessings! I am humbled to be your shepherd. God will bless us all!

In Jesus' holy name,
Pastor May and Diane