I recently stumbled upon the following. I wrote this true story many years ago. It still touches
the heart and remains profoundly relevant. I thought I’d share anew. Perhaps it is exactly what
you need to read.


Robin’s washing machine could no longer wash. She had received her Washer and Dryer as
wedding gifts from her mother many years before. As washing machines are wont to do after many of years of
use, it stopped washing. Robin had four children (all adults now and out of the house) and lots of laundry.
When her washing machine spun its last cycle, she didn’t know what to do. Purchasing a new machine at the
time was a far reach because the very day her washing machine stopped, her husband’s car also went on the
“fritz.” Robin didn’t carry credit cards (very wise was she) and they didn’t have ready monies available to
have both washing machine and automobile repaired. The machine would have to wait. Robin was in tears.
Who wouldn’t be?
Robin thought about God’s provision over our lives as she was drawn to the story of Abraham and Isaac. As
the Biblical account goes, God calls Abraham, in a testing of his faith, to offer up his only son, Isaac, as a
sacrifice. This seems rather harsh and extreme, does it not? The point of the testing was to make sure that God
was still Abraham’s first love.
The dramatic story tells us that just before Abraham is going to put the knife to his beloved boy on the altar of
Mount Moriah (modern day mountain and site of Jerusalem), an angel intervenes and tells Abraham to put the
knife down and look away to the bushes just beyond. In those bushes, in that thicket there is a ram – a
sacrificial ram. The ram will be rendered on the altar, not the son.
Was this a coincidence? Not likely. Not hardly. Was this an answer to a wish, a “hail Mary,” a prayer? No
doubt! Because such provision was made on Mount Moriah, Abraham named that place JEHOVAH JIREH.
Translated: “The Lord will provide!”

Jehovah Jireh.

Robin got on bended knee, in the middle of her living room, the morning the washing machine would no
longer, and prayed for God’s provision; a miracle; a ram in the thicket; a washing machine. When she said,
“Amen,” she got up from bended knee to get her children to school on time.
Little did she know that, in taking her kids to class, there would be a ram.
In the hallway she ran into one of her close friends. Her friend could see that Robin had been crying and that
something was on her heart. “What’s wrong, Robin?” her friend asked.
Robin hesitated, and then went on to share her lament. After the story was shared and more tears shed, from
heaven came a ram in thicket. Without a blink Robin’s friend said, “You can have our washing machine.”
Robin could hardly believe what she heard. “I can’t take your washing machine. What are you going to use to
wash your clothes?” Robin replied.
Her friend’s husband just completed his medical residency, as a surgeon, and was just beginning his career.
Toward that end, they just purchased a new home along with appliances, not the least of which were a new
washer and dryer. They didn’t know what to do with the old ones. Old? All of two years old! Amazing stuff –
two prayers were answered in that hallway.
If Robin wanted either or both, all she had to do was get them. And so she did. There in that hallway God
revealed a ram for Robin. Get this! God’s grace extends all the way to our laundry!

May the Lord continue to provide whatever ram you need as you read these notes.

Until next time,