They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the
breaking of bread and to prayer. ~Second chapter of Acts

I have written hundreds of these “notes.” My notes will soon be coming to an end.  In these September “notes” I have chosen a significant text from the book of Acts.  This is what happened after Peter’s first sermon. It follows the Pentecost event.  Three thousand souls were converted through the proclamation the Gospel. They were baptized. They were added to the Church and then they did this: They devoted themselves to the study of God’s Word (the apostles’ teaching), to the fellowship (church), to the breaking of bread (this included the celebration The Lord’s Supper), and to prayer (the fruit of faith).

What are you devoted to? What does your church membership and participation look like? In my 34 years as Pastor here, many of our adults have never attended a Bible class. Way too many of our “members” have taken a capricious, indifferent posture regarding their connection to our church. Some are never in worship more than one- time in a row. The Elders lament monthly over how to reach them – how to reach out to them – how to move them to a greater devotion to Jesus and His Church – our church. I often wonder what it means to be a member of a church -our church.

To be sure, the other side of that is that God has raised up leaders and the faithful among us. They bear the burden and carry the weight of ministry here at Faith.

This is an example of what devotion to the apostles’ teaching looks like. We have an elderly member who worships on Monday nights. Do you know how she gets to church? She takes the Germantown elderly trans-portation bus – just about every Monday. What does your commitment and devotion look like? The baseline is worship. It is foundational. Everything else that happens begins here. Here is the fellowship. Here are The Sacraments. Here is where the Word is taught and preached.

As your Pastor, in the remains of the days I am with you, I encourage you to move from one-time in -a-row to four-in-row. In worship our faith is enriched and enflamed. The beautiful message of God’s favor and absolu-tion is pronounced. When we worship the third commandment is kept. God has created us to worship Him. This is what we will be doing for all- of eternity.

As is typical during a vacancy, some members tend to look elsewhere for a different church. I strongly en-courage you not to do that. This congregation needs your presence. Stay committed, connected, engaged. Continue to faithfully worship, give, participate.

They gave themselves to prayer. Pray for our leaders, The Call Committee, our vacancy Pastor, me and my family as I transition to a new season. Demonstrate to the Lord what you are made of – for He has never, nor ever will walk away from you.

May a new zeal rise-up at Faith Lutheran!

Until next time,